#27: The Complexity of Relationships Around Trying to Conceive: Part 1
What is it like to be someone going through infertility while others around you conceive easily - or vice versa? And how can you best support someone who is going through infertility? Relationship dynamics while trying to conceive, or while supporting someone who is trying to conceive, can be tricky to manage - and we are no strangers to how this can play out in a close friendship. Join us in this two-part series where we share our personal relationship story of how easy conceiving versus infertility affected our friendship, and follow along as we unpack several complex concepts like understanding your triggers, using non-violent communication and strong boundary setting, neurolinguistic programming, as well as many practical tips on how to move through the difficult emotions that come up throughout this process.
1. Supporting friends going through infertility and the types of things to say, or avoid saying: Episode #18: "Just Relax" and the Wisdom Behind Fertility Energy
2. Non-Violent Communication, the book
3. Neurolinguistic Programming
4. The Five Personality Patterns: Your Guide to Understanding Yourself and Others and Developing Emotional Maturity, the book
Dr. Leahā€™s website: www.womanhoodwellness.com
Dr. Leah's IG: https://www.instagram.com/drleahgordon/
Dr. Morganā€™s website: www.milkmedicine.com
Dr. Morgan's IG: https://www.instagram.com/morganmacdermott/