#23: All About Weaning: Philosophy, How To, and Factors to Consider
How in the world do you begin weaning your child, and when can you safely start? In this episode we talk in detail about factors to consider for night weaning and day weaning (because they are different), as well as my personal, yet also tried and true method of how to organize and approach the topic with your child in a way that respects their emotions AND respects the milk in your boobs so you're at less risk for clogged ducts or mastitis. We discuss weaning babies versus toddlers, whether or not you need to give them replacement milk, and explain the signs and symptoms of post weaning depression, which unfortunately is rarely talked about. We ALSO talk about trying to conceive while breastfeeding or throughout weaning, and share our maybe unpopular opinions about optimal age gaps between children. Here we go!
Additional notes:
THE SMOOTHIE recipe (to feed 3-4 people):
- 2 tablespoons seed mix: flax, hemp, chia
- 1 piece fresh fruit: banana or something similar
- 1-2 cups frozen organic berries 3-4 tablespoons nut butter or coconut mana, or the fat from canned coconut milk or 1/2 avocado for fat
- Several big handfuls of mixed greens or spinach (we freeze ours so it lasts longer)
- Protein powder if you wish (something clean like a pure grassfed whey, collagen, or pea protein if vegan is fine)
- Greens powder, like a super greens or super foods powder
- 1/2 the blender full of organic real orange juice (or not if you prefer)
- 1/2 the jug full of filtered water
- Blend well and keep adding liquid if it's too thick!
Dr. Leahā€™s website: www.womanhoodwellness.com
Dr. Leah's IG: https://www.instagram.com/drleahgordon/
Dr. Morganā€™s website: www.milkmedicine.com
Dr. Morgan's IG: https://www.instagram.com/morganmacdermott/