#22: Detoxing Before Pregnancy: Why and How to Do It

What are toxins and what is a detox? Why is detoxing important to do before you become pregnant? In this episode we unpack the buzz word "detox" and discuss what detoxing actually is, why it's important to do before becoming pregnant, and how to do it. We share some of our favorite tips and how to find the balance between awareness and overwhelm. This is an important topic, so let's dive in!


Dr. Leah's Detox Before Pregnancy Course


Favorite Low-Tox Products




Dr. Leahā€™s website: www.womanhoodwellness.com 

Dr. Leah's IG: https://www.instagram.com/drleahgordon/ 

Dr. Morganā€™s website: www.milkmedicine.com

Dr. Morgan's IG: https://www.instagram.com/morganmacdermott/